Sunday, October 18, 2009

Somewhat Palatable: Thing 15

You know the old saying you never get a second chance to make a first impression? Well as of yet, I am not impressed, far from it even.

I tried this during the IntelTeach workshop, back when it was called or something ridiculous like that--the name alone used to hack me off. Didn't quite get it, didn't know where to put the dumb periods in the name--confusing and annoying. This time around didn't start out much better. To begin with, the "Allow" button for the Firefox browser to install the buttons did not respond when clicked. And the directions state to merely push it and things will get better. Deliver on your promises, I say--reminded me of "Blabberize" . . .

This site, like many others, I can see the use for, but when the instructions do not work after many attempts, I find the site becoming more of a hassle then the "God-send" it promises to be. I realize, of course, the the fault is probably my own, but I am only doing what the site directions state-- "It is free, simple to use, and easy to install."

Seems simple, and yet the button does not push, and the install / restart option never arrives; it is neither simple nor easy to install, but rather frustrating and annoying. So I keep scouring the page, searching for the directions that I am obviously missing, but alas, I am not missing the instruction. It is right there in the yellow box . . . which then begs the question, is it my Firefox settings? Can I tell Firefox, on another page or my hard drive, to allow this to happen? Should things be that confusing and demanding? Cannot the button just be pushed, thereby saving me the agony of trying to do this "button installation" which, if the rest of the site is anything like this first introduction, I have no desire to deal with? The link provided in the 23 Things entry also led to failure with non-clickable buttons mocking my attempts. And it is moments like these that I realize that no matter how wonderful others may find these sites, my patience and my time are too valuable and in short supply to waste futzing around with buttons and instructions that don't work.

So I went about it a different way. I went to Firefox and clicked suggested applications, then typed Delicious into the search bar. Several options came up, none involving buttons, but one dealing with bookmarks. I chose that one and added in my bookmarks next. I have no clue if the buttons I need are there or not, but my bookmarks are, and again, after the bad taste left by instructions that do jackslap, I'm not sure I will be spending much time here--socially or otherwise.

Apparently, by importing my bookmarks this roundabout way (which worked, I might add; I'm not sure if following the delicious directions would have because, alas, I now have an inherent distrust of delicious) I found buttons on my bookmark bar. Did they arrive with the bookmarks? I'm not caring as they are there, and I can quit worrying about trying to force them on to my page. I will say that they make bookmarking much easier--just hit the tag button, slap a few tags in and POOF! there they are. I hope I did the misd23things tag right. I did find some AP stuff that could be helpful once I stopped messing with button installation. I'm sure there are uses for this that I have yet to discover. I did discover that I had a lot of dumb bookmarks in my folder, so I took the time to clean that up. I don't even remember bookmarking half of them, more than half actually. So it is nice to have a clean bookmark slate. I will try to get into the habit of using delicious, once the bad taste in my mouth leaves. . .

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a fun weekend. I didn't have as much trouble. Perhaps it's an Apple thing...The only good thing about delicious is that we can access our bookmarked from anywhere -- that is if you can get them loaded. I don't know what we can do with this application that has educational benefits. And honestly, I'm not passionate enough to try to figure that one out.
